
Beautiful Ashes’ Mission

My mission is to be real while writing in order to reach girls and women in need of a friend, love, grace, understanding and forgiveness.

By befriending those who feel alone, wrapping the brokenhearted in love, sharing the liberty in Christ to girls and women holding themselves in bondage over their past mistakes and to comfort those in the midst of pain.

Ensuring that through it all I am teaching and encouraging girls and women to live for Christ. Through it all watching God create beauty from their life’s ashes.

 This is Who I Am

I was a girl and woman whose choices in life were likened to a pile of ashes. My life was a mess with no beauty to behold.

A life and marriages ridden with things like rebellion, pre-marital sex, emotional, verbal and mental abuse, divorce, a child out of wedlock, marriage separation, adultery, and pornography addiction.

In the midst of all the mess in my life, I felt alienated from the church because no one “looked” like me, their real lives were hidden from view. The issues that I was dealing with simply are not discussed within most churches, so I was “alone” struggling to find my way in the darkest parts of my life.

Yet, through it all God was faithful and since I began living for Him alone, He has taken my life and began turning it into beautiful ashes.

I am not perfect, nor will I ever be. I’m just a sinner, who is a recipient of God’s amazing grace, mercy and forgiveness.



About — 6 Comments

  1. Hi Misty!
    I am super blessed I’ve discovered your blog/website.. anyways, a little corner where I can enjoy real conversation about real life, straggles, victories, encouragement , falls and faults and the One, who always is in the messy lives.
    Blessings to All,


  2. Yes, I can certainly relate to this, having been there and done that. God’s grace and mercy never ceases to amaze me. Glad I found you.

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